Publications about MedM in 2017

MedM is a US-based software company, embarking on the bold mission of Enabling Connected Health®. We are at the heart of the ecosystem, working directly with consumers, IT professionals, and caregivers. We are open about what we do and always happy to share our story and vision. Please reach out to our communications person Victoria for comments, analytics, or images:

April 30, 2017

Review: Omron EVOLV, Clinically Accurate Blood Pressure Readings in a Sleek Package

Review: Omron EVOLV, Clinically Accurate Blood Pressure Readings in a Sleek Package

“I hope Omron updates the app to include more visually pleasing ways of displaying the data, and guidance and analysis of your results would be a plus. If you prefer simplicity you will like the app. If not, you can always opt for another compatible app such as MedM BP app.” Read more >