MedM in the News, Research, and Publications

MedM is a US-based software company, embarking on the bold mission of Enabling Connected Health®. We are at the heart of the ecosystem, working directly with consumers, IT professionals, and caregivers. We are open about what we do and always happy to share our story and vision. Please reach out to our communications person Victoria for comments, analytics, or images:

March 27, 2023

The 6 Best Pulse Oximeters of 2023

The 6 Best Pulse Oximeters of 2023

The Oxiline Pulse XS Pro works with the streamlined MedM Health app, though we were disappointed that the box, directions, and website failed to clearly mention it by name. We had to Google what the app is called. Both it and the device are easy to use. Read more >

October 02, 2022

11 Free Apps to Measure Body Temperature (Android & iOS)

11 Free Apps to Measure Body Temperature (Android & iOS)

The MedM Temperature application can work with or without a connected device. You can easily use it for manual recording. If you forget to record measurements, you can use a different time than the current one. You can also choose how you feel and add a comment. You can export your recordings, connect to the Health application, connect thermometers, and more. Read more >

August 30, 2022

iProven uses MedM Health App for all bluetooth devices

iProven uses MedM Health App for all bluetooth devices

iProven is now partner with the MedM Health App. We switched from our own iProven app to their app because it is more stable and even more user-friendly! You can connect all iProven bluetooth devices with the MedM Health App. Read more >

August 26, 2022

A Health Telemonitoring Platform Based on Data Integration from Different Sources

The management of people with long-term or chronic illness is one of the biggest challenges for national health systems. In fact, these diseases are among the leading causes of hospitalization, especially for the elderly, and huge amount of resources required to monitor them leads to problems with sustainability of the healthcare systems. The increasing diffusion of portable devices and new connectivity technologies allows the implementation of telemonitoring system capable of providing support to health care providers and lighten the burden on hospitals and clinics. Read more >

April 06, 2022

MedM – Tackling the Challenge of Connecting RPM Devices

MedM – Tackling the Challenge of Connecting RPM Devices

Remote patient monitoring devices from different manufacturers rarely talk to each other. There are standards for device data exchange, but no incentives or penalties for device makers to adopt them. Instead, most manufactures pair their devices with their own proprietary smartphone app. MedM wants to tear down these walled gardens with their platform that acts as a universal connector. I had the opportunity to learn more about the company and its offering when I interviewed Denis Khitrov, CEO of MedM. Read more >

February 05, 2022

9 Best Remote Patient Monitoring Companies

9 Best Remote Patient Monitoring Companies

Furthermore, you will get an RPM software platform that gives access to patient data and allows real-time view. It comes with thresholds, reports, reminders, trend graphs, and more. It comes with both options – hosted and cloud editions. Read more >

December 10, 2021

MedM Named Among 10 Most Prominent Telehealth Solution Providers in 2021 by Insights Care

MedM Named Among 10 Most Prominent Telehealth Solution Providers in 2021 by Insights Care

MedM Inc. has just the right answers when it comes to the optimum utilization of connected health solutions. It is a global expert in connected health solutions space covering over 25% of the market and enabling data collection from hundreds of Health IoT devices, sensors, and wearables. Read more >

October 13, 2021

How Lack of Accepted Standards Prevents Connected Health from Taking Off

How Lack of Accepted Standards Prevents Connected Health from Taking Off

Fortunately, MedM technology is backing the early adopters in successfully rolling out their RPM services. And while health data and API standards may take years to come, MedM’s carefully crafted alliances with OEMs and the underlying flexibility of its software platform, equip the company to be an enabler of connected health already today, while also giving end-users the freedom to control their own health data. Read more >

August 24, 2021

Blood Pressure Diary by MedM - Interview with the Developer of a Fantastic App

Blood Pressure Diary by MedM - Interview with the Developer of a Fantastic App

Today, MedM apps work with nearly 600 mobile medical devices. We have built a solution that collects data from peripheral sensors automatically, using the Bluetooth communication protocol. And we invest heavily into building lasting relationships with OEMs and ODMs making medical devices for the mass market. Read more >

July 29, 2021

Connected Health Market Trends and List of Most Popular Smart Medical Devices of 2021

Connected Health Market Trends and List of Most Popular Smart Medical Devices of 2021

As a software company, MedM is uniquely positioned at the center of the Connected Health ecosystem, working closely with the manufacturers and distributers of portable medical devices, RPM service providers, system integrators, caregivers, and end-users. MedM believes that this ecosystem, inherently complex due to the multitude of its stakeholders and workflows, relies on interoperability for balance. Read more >