MedM in Publications in 2018
MedM is a US-based software company, embarking on the bold mission of Enabling Connected Health®. We are at the heart of the ecosystem, working directly with consumers, IT professionals, and caregivers. We are open about what we do and always happy to share our story and vision. Please reach out to us for comments: pr@medm.com. Images and other materials can be found the in the Brand Assets section.
July 19, 2018

How to create a mobile health app if you only know JavaScript
But what if I told you that it’s possible to create a cross-platform app that supports a great variety of sensors without experiencing all that pain and using only JavaScript? Read more >
April 13, 2018
Security Vulnerabilities in Mobile Health Applications
With the growth of mobile health applications, it is imperative to make sure the users' health records and their privacy are safeguarded properly. In this work, we analyze 25 mobile health applications for security vulnerabilities. Each of these applications is downloadable from the Google Play Store, has a medical tag, requests permission for full network access, and connects to a medical device. We focused on network security and authentication vulnerabilities, various Man in the Middle attacks, and HIPAA noncompliance.
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